
Pirmin Almanstötter

Patent Professional

Mr. Almanstötter's activities include the drafting of patent applications and patent prosecution for German and international clients before the German Patent and Trademark Office and European Patent Office. Mr. Almanstötter further supports numerous opposition cases.


Phone   +49 8191 985 996-0
Fax        +49 8191 985 996-21

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Mr. Almanstötter has a comprehensive technical background in the field of physics, electrical engineering, and software. His specialty areas are fluid dynamics, optics, simulation technology, and artificial intelligence. Mr. Almanstötter has joined KKM in the year 2023.

Technical focus areas:

  • Simulation
  • Measurement technology, including spectroscopy and electron microscopy
  • Information and communication technology
  • Artificial intelligence and neural networks
  • Computer implemented inventions (CII)

Education and professional career:

  • Master program in physics, Augsburg University; specialization in nanotechnology, solid state physics, and plasma physics
  • Research associate, Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics; Technical area: Fluid modeling of microwave discharges, plasma based gas conversion
  • German Aerospace Center, DLR

In private life, Mr. Almanstötter is active in sports and likes to go hiking.

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